Off they go- Before your kids leave for college- what they must do for your peace of mind.

You can't believe it. Where did the time go? Your baby is off to college. It's an exciting time and you don't want to think about anything going wrong while they're away. That's why I'm here- to remind you that sadly, for some parents, it has happened They got the call that no parent ever wants to receive at any time, but especially when their child is away at college: The call from the hospital or the police. It is very important to have several documents, including a HIPAA Release, completed before your child leaves for college. Here's what you need to do now, before they leave.
Once your child turns 18, you are no longer the legal guardian and you are not entitled to view or obtain your child's medical information without a properly drafted and executed HIPAA Release. Many parents have been shocked to learn that the health clinic at their child's university or the hospital in the college town cannot release any information concerning their child's health, even in a medical emergency. A properly drafted and executed HIPAA release with you named on it allows the medical professionals to release this information to you.
A Designation of a Health Care Surrogate allows your child to appoint you to make medical and health care treatment decisions in the event they are unable to communicate or make those decisions.
Call us now so we can ensure that the necessary documents are prepared and properly executed before your child leaves for college. We will make sure that you will be able to access your child's medical records and act on their behalf in the event they are unable to do so.
If you already have documents, we would be happy to review your documents to ensure that you have the proper authorization and that your releases are in good order.
Contact us today at (321) 690-2363
Arna D. Cortazzo, Esquire
Law Offices of Arna D. Cortazzo, P.A.